Ajay Shah writing for the mass media (1999)
- Why are firms short-sighted?, 17 November 1999. kw - cost of capital, myopia, risk premia.
- Finding the right IPO process, 3 November 1999. kw - What was wrong with the Hughes Software Solutions IPO and how we can fix it.
- Price limits: Time for surgery, 20 October 1999. kw - The rationale for the then-prevalent regime of price limits, what is wrong with it, and what can be done better.
- Transparency matters, 6 October 1999. kw - impact of revelation of MIBID/MIBOR on spreads on the inter-bank market.
- What banks should do, 22 September 1999. kw - assured returns, callable liabilities, illiquid assets, MMMFs, closed-end funds.
- How to obtain safe computers?, 8 September 1999. kw - viruses, Microsoft Windows, email viruses, back orifice.
- Rolling settlement, the next step, 25 August 1999. kw - how to make the move to rolling settlement, and why it matters.
- How to obtain safe and sound banking, 11 August 1999. kw - bank closure, money market mutual funds, Basle capital accord.
- What's bizarre in Indian finance, 28 July 1999. kw - striking anomalies in India's financial system, and what we can do about them.
- Interview about pensions with Intelligent Investor, 14 July 1999. kw - thinking about pension planning from an individual perspective.
- The governance problem with mutual funds, 14 July 1999. kw - agency conflicts in fund management, low signal-to-noise ratio in performance evaluation, rationale for index funds.
- Who's afraid of E-commerce?, 30 June 1999. kw - legal, security problems with E-commerce.
- Books: old and new, 16 June 1999. kw - Project Gutenberg, Electronic books, Octavo, marrying books with new technology.
- The fallacies of sectoral funds, 19 May 1999. kw - obvious finance reasoning about the plethora of sectoral funds which were then coming up.
- Financial sector reforms stalled?, 5 May 1999. kw - financial sector reforms are stalled, where should we go next.
- The future of Internet stocks, 24 March 1999. kw - valuations of Internet stocks.
- Making sense of SEBI and BSE, 21 April 1999. kw - What was going on betwen SEBI and BSE in the Summer '98 payments crisis on the BSE, and what should we do.
- Resuscitating the telecom sector, 10 March 1999. kw - eight building blocks of telecom policy required.
- Rethinking old age income security, 24 February 1999. kw - Motivation for Project OASIS.
- Gambling and betting board of India?, 10 February 1999. kw - regulation of gambling.
- Solving the encryption problem, 30 January 1999. kw - US export restrictions on cryptography, what we can do about it.
- What sense do stock prices make?, 13 January 1999. kw - cross-sectional variation of P/E ratios, market efficiency, earnings forecasts.
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