Ajay Shah writing for the mass media (2015)
- What will happen in the recovery?, in the Business Standard, 28 December 2015. kw = how do firms and the market economy work out a downturn under conditions of bad macro and finance policy? Drawing lessons from the 1997-2002 downturn.
- A balance sheet recession?, in the Business Standard, 14 December 2015. kw = debt dynamics has changed dramatically owing to the collapse of nominal growth rates of GDP and of corporate sales or operating profit. From here on, small primary deficits would be incompatible with debt stability.
- How to build a sensible tax system, in the Indian Express, 3 November 2015. kw = tax policy, tax administration, drafting of law, public administration reform.
- The way forward with one-rank-one-pension, in the Indian Express, 27 August 2015. kw = pension reforms, NPS, military pension.
- The Monetary Policy Committee in the revised Indian Financial Code in the Indian Express, 5 August 2015. kw = RBI independence.
- The big fat greek tragedy in India Today, 9 July 2015. kw = implications of the Greek crisis for India.
- Concerns about RBI's `Strategic Debt Restructuring Scheme' in the Indian Express, 26 June 2015. kw = bankruptcy process, banking crisis.
- How Finance SEZs can matter in the Indian Express, 17 April 2015. kw = GIFT, international competitiveness of the Indian financial system.
- What constitutes bold reforms? in the Indian Express, 19 February 2015. kw = taking on the establishment.
- An interview on financial sector reforms in the Business Standard, 16 February 2015. kw = FSLRC.
- For GDP growth to revive, we must win back households into financial savings, in the Economic Times, 12 February 2015. kw = external financing for firms, household savings, long term capital, bond market.
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