Ajay Shah writing for the mass media (2024)
- MORE Stories That Should be Films, Episode 79 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 27 December 2024. kw = stories.
- The wealth tax, an episode along with Rahul Menon on The Hindu Parley Podcast by Samreen Wani, 26 December 2024. kw = wealth tax, inequality, Piketty, tax policy.
- Envisioning an India-US Free trade agreement, 23 December 2024. kw = FTA, foreign policy, state capability, US political economy.
- The case for nuclear electricity, Episode 78 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 20 December 2024. kw = nuclear energy, time of day pricing, duck curve, safety, mass production, small modular reactors
- Objects from our past, Episode 77 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 13 December 2024. kw = we shape our objects and our objects shape us
- The tortoise and the hare, 9 December 2024. kw = stable long-term GDP growth of advanced economies, new political difficulties, populism, threats to liberal democracy, growth episodes of developing countries, Indian growth episodes and economic history, outlook for a next growth episode for India.
- A history of Hinduism, Episode 76 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 6 December 2024. kw = Religion
- What economics can learn, Episode 75 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 29 November 2024. kw = inter-disciplinary approach, Biju Rao, anthropology, sociology, academic incentives, limitations of academic research, the knowledge society
- FDI strategy for Indian firms, 25 November 2024. kw = Outbound FDI, strategy for Indian firms, advanced economies vs. poor countries, rule of law, business culture, central planning.
- The horrors of KYC, Episode 74 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 22 November 2024. kw = AML, CFT, terrorism, KYC, mass surveillance, financial surveillance, financial privacy, freedom of association, freedom of speech, FATF, PMLA, Enforcement directorate, UIDAI, technological solutionism, root cause analysis, international best practices
- Don't punish victimless crimes, Episode 73 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 15 November 2024. kw = victimless crimes, freedom, state capability
- Making the way for nuclear energy in India, by Akshay Jaitly and Ajay Shah, 11 November 2024. kw = nuclear energy, smr, safety, liability, price system.
- The changing forms of creativity, Episode 72 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 8 November 2024. kw = forms and the market for creations
- The journey of Indian finance, Episode 71 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 1 November 2024. kw = economic history
- India has skin in the global game, 28 October 2024. kw = Pax Americana, global difficulties on war and economic progress and globalisation, Third globalisation, Indian foreign policy, interests, strategic autonomy.
- How to fix competitive exams, Episode 70 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 25 October 2024. kw = higher education, IIT JEE, competitive exams, state capability, decentralisation
- The seven basic plots, Episode 69 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 18 October 2024. kw = classification system for all stories
- AI and the Indian economy, Episode of Economics Unplugged with Praful Raj, 15 October 2024. kw = AI, state capability, services exports.
- Ajay Shah brings the dreams of the 20th century, 14 October 2024, Episode 402 of The Seen and the Unseen with Amit Varma. kw = my story.
- A rapid recovery in China?, 14 October 2024. kw = China, stimulus, China model, macroeconomic policy, real estate, tech wars, third globalisation, Indian foreign policy.
- Inflation targeting rocks, Episode 68 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 11 October 2024. kw = monetary policy, central bank, inflation, inflation targeting, new public administration, Indian economic history
- Don't mess with the exchange rate, Episode 67 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 4 October 2024. kw = floating exchange rate, macroeconomic stabilisation, price system, capital controls
- Four pillars of industrial policy: A conversation with Rahul Ahluwalia, in the FED Dialogues by The Foundation for Economic Development, 30 September.
- Beware real estate mania, 30 September 2024. kw = real estate as an asset class, china model, impediments to supply of floor space in India, urban policy.
- Don't mess with the price system, Episode 66 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 29 September 2024. kw = microeconomics, first fundamental theorem of welfare economics, price adjustment, incentives
- Understanding India's pensions disaster, Episode 65 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 20 September 2024. kw = NPS, pension, DC pension, fiscal stress, unfunded liabilities
- How to get a 10x gain in FDI, 16 September 2024. kw = Global firms retreat from China, FDI into India has fared poorly, pathways to a 10x gain in FDI, fundamental reforms of the economy.
- The global tech wars, Episode 64 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 13 September 2024. kw = third globalisation, china, microchips, defence
- Knowledge lost and knowledge regained, Episode 63 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 6 September 2024. kw = regaining knowledge that was once with us
- Policy reversals and private investment, 2 September 2024. kw = policy reversals, private investment, policy process, policy coherence, animal spirits.
- How to write a paper, Episode 62 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 30 August 2024. kw = Papers, blog articles, serious research materials
- The outlaws, Episode 61 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 23 August 2024. kw = People ahead of their time, mavericks, dissidents
- New work on district courts in Kerala, 19 August 2024. kw = legal system reform, process of discovery, political economy, consultation, scientific research, PUCAR.
- A country is not a company, Episode 60 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 16 August 2024. kw = The methods and skills from the world of the private sector do not carry over well into the world of public policy
- Rethinking innovation policy, Episode 59 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 9 August 2024. kw = why what and how of public money for research and development, Mashelkar/Shah/Thomas 2024 paper
- Electricity: A strategic view by Akshay Jaitly, K. P. Krishnan and Ajay Shah, 5 August 2024. kw = renewables, decarbonisation, 10x problem with the pace, climate finance, the price system, a strategic view.
- Economic policy strategy for Himalayan states, Episode 58 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 2 August 2024. kw = Himalayan states, sustainability, town planning, national parks
- A conversation on the union budget with Suyash Rai, the Interpreting India podcast by Carnegie India, 1 August.
- How to do development, Episode 57 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 26 July 2024. kw = development economics, growth theory, redistribution
- Government programs have a limited impact on employment, 24 July 2024. kw = programs, projects, policies, solving the policy problems that shape the decisions of private persons to invest vs. offering subsidies to encourage them.
- The state of the economy, 22 July 2024. kw = state of the economy, pre-budget thinking.
- The problem with digital public goods, Episode 56 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 19 July 2024. kw = government monopolies
- Where has all the infrastructure gone?, Episode 55 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 12 July 2024. kw = infrastructure, exports, goods, services, ICOR
- Rethinking NEET, and medical education by Vijay Kelkar and Ajay Shah, 8 July 2024. kw = NEET, decentralisation, autonomy of universities, entry barriers, innovation policy.
- A deep dive into education, Episode 54 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 5 July 2024. kw = Education, connection between education and development, problems of government schools, problems of industrialised education, education vouchers and private schools, life long learning
- How to correctly draw the perimeter for government software systems, Episode 20 of the XKDR Forum Big ideas series, 2 July. kw = government software systems, API access, data release, statistical system.
- A passion for cycling, Episode 53 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 28 June 2024. kw = Competitive cycling.
- Conversation on legal system reform with Ninni Susan Thomas on the Daksh podcast, 24 June. kw = legal system reform, incentives, political economy, process improvement, scheduling.
- The case for trade barriers against Chinese imports, by Ila Patnaik and Ajay Shah, 24 June 2024. kw = Chinese macroeconomic adjustment, over production, temporary targeted trade barriers, gains from trade in development strategy, state capability.
- The Indian journey of knowledge production and XKDR Forum, an episode on the podcast Jack of all knowledge by Divyanshu Dembi, 22 June 2024. kw = India, knowledge society, institutional landscape, how knowledge institutions work, XKDR Forum, how India progresses.
- The life and times of chess, Episode 52 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 21 June 2024. kw = Indians in chess, nature and nurture in acquiring complex skills, family, community, elite capabilities
- Lines on maps are toxic, Episode 51 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 14 June 2024. kw = Borders, nationalism, globalisation, free movement of people, gravity models
- Organising the union government for the climate transition, by Akshay Jaitly and Ajay Shah, 10 June 2024. kw = departments, ministries, standing committees, state capability.
- Ask me anything, Episode 50 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 7 June 2024. kw = Bir Sessions #1.
- The art of podcasting, Episode 49 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 31 May 2024. kw = principles of building a podcast
- Electricity subsidies are getting better, 26 May 2024. kw = on-budget electricity subsidy, decoupling of political objectives vs. efficiency, price system.
- Graduating to globalisation, Episode 48 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 24 May 2024. kw = national development, firm sophistication, firm internationalisation, barriers to cross-border activity
- India needs decentralisation, Episode 47 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 17 May 2024. kw = federalism, constitution of India, subsidiarity principle, urban policy, political system reform, concentration of power, checks and balances
- Lost a shock absorber, 12 May 2024. kw = fixed exchange rate, internal depreciation, interest rate defence, impossible trinity, electoral business cycle.
- Stay away from luxury beliefs, Episode 46 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 10 May 2024. kw = luxury beliefs, socialism of the elite
- Beware these five fallacies, Episode 45 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 3 May 2024. kw = zero sum fallacy, fallacy of composition, post-hoc fallacy, chess pieces fallacy, open ended fallacy
- Resurrecting the wealth tax and estate duty, 28 April 2024. kw = growth, redistribution, populism.
- Maps are magic, Episode 44 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 26 April 2024. kw = public goods, survey of India, google maps, OSM, George Everest
- Six stories that should be films, Episode 43 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 19 April 2024. kw = Stories, Scapa flow, Nanda Devi plutonium
- Paths to a political business cycle, 14 April 2024. kw = election cycle, monetary policy, fiscal policy, uncertainty, government investment.
- The populist playbook, Episode 42 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 12 April 2024. kw = Populism, recent developments in the US, Israel, Hungary, Poland
- Four papers that changed the world, Episode 41 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 5 April 2024. kw = Friedman 1968, Hayek 1945, Coase 1937, Bastiat 1850
- Firms in a tough global environment, 1 April 2024. kw = third globalisation, carbon border taxes, Chinese exports surge, protectionism, strategy for Indian firms and finance.
- The brave new future of electricity, Episode 40 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 29 March 2024. kw = electricity, renewables, price system, solar, wind, storage, nuclear, foreign policy, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, offshore wind, Tamil Nadu.
- The surface area of serendipity, Episode 39 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 22 March 2024. kw = luck, tradeoffs, the craft and the hustle, six degrees of separation
- Three grand challenges of the Indian energy transition by Akshay Jaitly and Ajay Shah, 18 March 2024. kw = union and state, india and world, state and market, discovery not design, climate transition, decarbonisation.
- Poker and life, Episode 38 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 15 March 2024. kw = poker, finance, thinking probabilistically
- From imperial to adaptive firms, Episode 37 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 8 March 2024. kw = coase, boundary of the firm, centralised firms, decentralised firms, intra-india heterogeneity, european union
- The evenings are hard, 4 March 2024. kw = duck curve, price system, grid manager.
- The long road to change, Episode 36 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 1 March 2024. kw = policy pipeline, endurance, progress
- The hiking episode, Episode 35 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 23 February 2024. kw = hiking, how, why, gear
- Stocktaking the fintech revolution, 19 February 2024. kw = fintech, central planning, national champions, banks, NBFCs.
- Organisation design for a family firm, Episode 34 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 16 February 2024. kw = family firms, governance, CEO, great man theory, board of directors
- Public choice theory explains so much, Episode 33 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 9 February 2024. kw = public choice theory, elections
- Are financial markets over-optimistic?, 5 February 2024. kw = global macro, five threats.
- Unix, Episode 32 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 2 February 2024. kw = Bell Labs, Internet, Free software, Culture, Innovation policy.
- Strategic thinking in fiscal policy, 2 February 2024. kw = financial leverage, operational leverage, debt crises, debt dynamics, primary deficit, financial repression, the path ahead for Indian fiscal policy.
- A deep dive into the Indian military, Episode 31 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 26 January 2024. kw = Defence economics, Perun
- The reconfiguration of global trade and FDI, 22 January 2024. kw = third globalisation, China.
- Declutter, Episode 30 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 19 January 2024. kw = Minimalism, Robin Dunbar's number.
- Five epic stories that must be films, Episode 29 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 12 January 2024. kw = Mes el Kebir, Doolittle raid, The battle of Kiev.
- From domestic to global asset pricing, 8 January 2024. kw = firm internationalisation, foreign investor strategy, domestic investor strategy, firm strategy.
- The reformers, Episode 28 of Everything is everything (with Amit Varma), 5 January 2024. kw = india, stories from the economic reforms.
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